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Ask Mrs S evolved from the realisation that as a small business owner myself, it’s often the small tasks that cause the biggest headache. I love to help others by giving them some breathing and thinking space.
After 25 years of experience working in various sectors, including the development industry, education and local government, I have an in-depth understanding of how organisations and companies work, with 12 of those years spent running (and still running) my own business.
Ask Mrs S seeks to make running small businesses easier, more efficient and effective (the 3E’s), releasing valuable time, resources and energy for business owners/directors to focus on what they do best – promoting and developing their business.
No two people are the same; I believe in providing a service that meets the specific needs of my client.
My business is built on reputation, so professionalism and integrity is key.
Based in the Cotswolds, I am a wife, and a mum, enjoying country life. I love nothing more than to join a group of wonderful friends for dance fitness a few nights a week.
